To determine what size Binobib™ you will need please follow these simple steps.
PORRO Prism ROOF Prism
STEP 1. Determine if your Binoculars are Porro Prism or Roof Prism design.
STEP 2. Measure the Length (Distance from the ocular eye piece to the objective).
STEP 3. Measure the Width (Distance across the body of the binoculars)
STEP 4. Choose the right size and type from the list below.
Roof Prism - Fits Widths: 3.0" to 5.0" and Lengths: 3.0" to 4.5"
Roof Prism - Fits Widths: 5.0" to 6.0" and Lengths: 5.0"
Roof Prism - Fits Widths: 6.0" to 7.0" and Lengths: 7.0"
Porro Prism - Fits Widths: 7.0" to 8.0" and Lengths: 5.0" to 6.5"
Porro Prism - Fits Widths: 6.5" to 7.0" and Lengths: 4.0" to 5.5"