Unlike competing magazines, the SENTRY Hexmag AR15 magazine utilizes our patented True Riser® system to deliver a 10-round magazine for states like California and a 15-round magazine for states like Colorado. (*Laws can change at any time. Check your local and state magazine capacity restrictions before ordering)
The True Riser system incorporates the patented riser design coupled with a custom spring assembly to retain SENTRY's unique tool-less design, allowing the magazine to be disassembled for easy cleaning and alterations to the HexID Color Identification System.
Meanwhile, competing designs work opposite of SENTRY's True Riser design. While SENTRY's design pairs a shorter spring with the riser system to deliver a compliant magazine, competing magazines use a limiter to force the 30-round spring into a 10- or 15-round spring, putting unnecessary tension on the spring and hindering the length of time ammunition should be stored.